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Kaën, Stormbringer, Lord Zardoon


Symbol: Fist-held bolt of lightning against a cloud

Home Plane: Bytopia (Dothion)

Portfolios: Storms, Lightning

Worshippers: Fighters, Druids, Sailors

Worshipper’s Alignment: Any, mostly N

Clerics: N, CN paladins: N, CN

Domains: Air, Storm, Water

Favored Weapon(s): Mace, javelin




Kaën is depicted as a wild looking young man standing in the midst of a storm, his long brown hair flowing, and his aura filled with sparks. Typically, Kaën has a bolt of lightning in his right hand.




Kaën is the son of Morniir and some elemental princess. Kaën lives a life of eternal wild youth, wandering where he pleases stirring up storms and throwing lightning. Only his father’s word brings him to tow. He enjoys the company of Macha and Nemain and on occasion, even Rakoth. Kaën takes no evil pleasure in destruction, just in the raw force of nature.  The history of Kaën worship has become something of modern mystery as recently unearthed ancient sites have found temples to Zardoon, one of the lost gods, who appears to be Kaën.




Revel in the power of the storm, the chaos that brings both life giving rain and deadly lightning. Be as the wind, come and go as ye please. There is no controlling the wind or the storm, let no mortal command your passions. When angry, be angry, when calm, calm. Do neither evil nor good for their own sakes.


Clergy and Temples:


Kaën maintains some temples in larger cities, but largely is a deity worshipped in the wild. His clergy have no set duties, so a temple may be full or abandoned on a whim. Temple structures are tall and covered with metal rods to attract lightning, which dances down the structure in a waterfall of electricity. The hazard for fire makes towns wary of having temples of Kaën, or at least having them near other buildings. Kaënans have no set dress but prefer to wear metal armor when in combat. Their wild hair and demeanors makes them easily recognizable. They are often hired as clerical mercenaries, for they have no qualms about being paid to cause destruction. Kaënans make a regular contribution in seaport cities where sailors often divine the coming weather before leaving port. Kaënans pray for spells at sunrise or sunset, always in the open air.


Special Abilities:


Kaënan priests gain additional special abilities as they progress in their dedication to the Stormlord. Unless otherwise specified, these powers are supernatural abilities usable at will by the caster only. All Kaënan priests have electrical resistance 20. Kaënan priests may take the javelin as a weapon.


5th level – shocking grasp (1/day)

7th level – call lightning (1/day)

9th level – lightning bolt (1/day)

12th level – chain lightning (1/day)


Sacred Prayers to Kaën:


Kaën makes special prayers available to his faithful.




Kaën grants no rituals to his followers.


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